Wencar Inc is more than happy to provide you with reports that may help you manage your business.
Choose from the following reports.
- Item Ranking Report
- Retail Sales Analysis by category
- Invoice and credit history
- Item Movement reports
Do you need new shelf tags?
The key to operating a smooth operation is to have your shelves tagged with the proper tags for easy ordering and stocking. As manufacturers change item sizes or introduce new items, it is important to have the correct tag on the shelf.
Do the retails on our invoice match your retail price?
By using this website you can easily customize your retails so that the correct retails appear on your invoice. Click here to be taken to the customer services page. Once logged in, continue to pricebook and go to the category of items that need to be adjusted. Notice the column labeled Retail and change the amount or margin. Once this is done and updated, our system immediately reflects this change.